This is music to grow your secret garden.
© copyright 1993-2010 by efesar. all rights reserved.

the things you want to know


deep vocal indus/trance/ambience ("transience") with phat rhythms, thoughtful lyrics and fluid ambient motion. some d&b and industrial. music is a robust combination of analog, organic and digital. very melodic and lyrical.


electronica: club, vocal trance, tribal, indus. alternative: darkwave, industrial, industrial rock.


nine inch nails, coil, dead can dance, deepsky, enigma, fluke, ministry, tool, einsturzende neubauten, underworld, stone temple pilots, nirvana, pink floyd, lisa gerard, bach, beethoven, stravinsky, tchaikovski, plastica (formerly metallica), rem, primus, fatboy slim, enya

similar to

nin, coil, tool, dead can dance, fluke


born as reign in 1993 (parts of "hallucinations fire play" and "imps, ogres & valkyries") efesar was formed from those ashes in 1996. "stillbirth" (mp3.com/still_birth) is the live incarnation of efesar and thanataphobia projekt unified. former band "velocity sensitive" played some efesar songs live but that band generally pointed in the direction of rock-and-roll based music -- a genre of music that does not represent efesar.


efesar is primarily the solo project of keldot ("k"). inspiration and contributions comes from v0sh, basketweaver, ash, geoff and other collaborators.


athlon 1100, tone generation and multitrack software, calculator, spreadsheet software, roland vcustom drums, baldwin and ensoniq keyboards, alesis fx processors, behringer fx and mixer, akg mics, antares atr1


press reviews? that's a joke right? do i look like the material girl to you? okay, i'm really britney in drag. come on. dj's all over the world spin my music. we all know electronic music doesn't get the respect it deserves.

long plays & extended plays [LPs & EPs]

the somnambulists dream (2006)

efesar expands into the realm of hypnotic and abstract while still maintaining the recognizable style that defines his music. (FSL0006)

missing the last part (2005)

A collection of rarely heard mind-trip songs. (FSL0007)

ophanim (2002)

This is efesar's 4th full length album, released in 2002. Utilizing advanced technical production and being charged with emotions, strong club beats and a signature sound, this album will addict you with strong gravity. (FSL0005)

transience (2000)

originally, in terms of electronic music, there were several styles of music that efesar could be classified into. the word transience has been coined to refer to a style of music that is a mixture of tribal, ambient, and vocal trance. transience, therefore, is the style of music that defines efesar.

although it is unusual for a band to name a record after its style of music (imagine a nirvana album called grunge), the name is unique enough to warrant little speculation.

after almost two and a half years of writing and revising, transience is finally complete. in the effort to create this album over thirty songs were written and mastered. most of these songs were thrown off the album because they couldn't be circumscribed by the feel of the album. the songs you missed during the making of trasience will pop-up again in some other fear studios release.

transience is a labour of love. although far from perfect it is still the culmination of everything efesar represents. technically it is a studio quality album, while emotionally it is raw and defensive. a band can grow and mature -- this release has proved that. (FSL0004)

soulwell (1999)


imps, ogres & valkyries (1997)

Imps, Ogres & Valkyries is a lyrical collection of songs. In stark contrast compared to Hallucinations Fire Play this is closer to the actual heart and style of efesar because less time was spent figuring out musical tools. More time was devoted to the emotions and quality of the songs themselves. Far from being an album that might make it to the top 40 pop charts this is still quite a bit more mainstream than the previous collection.

In terms of sound quality this collection is closer to a studio album than the first. All the songs were originally composed, recorded and mastered digitally so the sound quality is consistently better than Hallucinations Fire Play. It has a much richer, fuller dynamic range.

There are two states of being that reflect IOV. There are dark, polyrhythmic songs which engross the ego of arrogance (daddy's dead, eyes, killer, derion, orion, eden, liar). Then there are more emotive songs that call out to sympathy and meloncholy (blakrane, drive, water, hero, illusion). (FSL0002)

hallucinations fire play (1995)

This collection of songs was written before the name efesar was conceived. This collection of purely instrumental songs was written between 1994 and 1995.

This is not a mastered studio album. It is a collection of experimental music written in an attempt to move from analog music into the realm of digital. The songs here are almost entirely FM-Synth. Hallucinations Fire Play was synthesized and recorded with two PC sound cards (a 16-bit Voyetra and a Roland RAP-10) on substandard analog tape. The recording you will listen to has been digitally mastered, filtered and equalized.

If you're into experimental digital music and your ears can handle a bit of analog distortion, then add this rarity to your collection.

The name and cover art for this collection of songs was inspired by a pyrotechnic game called Pyroball. (FSL0001)


thorn (2004)

this is a song that has been in the works for 3 years. (FSS0001)


Red Letter Records Compilation Vol. A (2005)

First off, it's only FIVE DOLLARS!

Compilation vol. A gathers together a selection of some of the finest bands in New Mexico, including:

oneDown, Raine Vivian, The Sex Boys, Multipass, Typikal Human Animals, brian botkiller, The Kidcrash, SCG, Unofficial, The Blacklight Zebras, Enigmatik, People that Look Famous, The Hollis Wake, Zamchowa, Efesar, Aurumn, Solidify, Bandana and (don't)shoot noah!

Track listing:

Track name – Band name

1. broken – one down – 0:02:00 – 2:45:40
2. true love dead as disco – raine Vivian – 2:47:40 – 7:22:14
3. captain anarchy – The Sex Boys – 7:24:14 – 9:21:34
4. entrevue – multipass – 9:23:34 – 14:15:29
5. in the query – typikal human animals – 14:17:29 – 15:59:61
6. mind and space – brian botkiller – 16:01:61 – 21:58:01
7. untitled – the kid crash – 22:00:01 – 26:35:34
8. running from? – scg – 30:28:25 – 32:40:25
9. lack of interest – unofficial – 32:42:25 – 40:48:53
10. pharmaceutica – the Blacklight zebras - 40:50:53 – 44:10:35
11. lady in red – enigmatik – 44:12:35 – 45:28:30
12. get outta my way – people that look famous - 44:12:35 – 45:28:30
13. his bedroom door – the hollis wake – 45:30:30 – 48:06:04
14. tenistortiph – zamchowa – 48:08:04 – 55:00:45
15. rose – efesar – 55:02:45 – 58:34:32
16. let’s go somewhere – aurumn – 58:36:32 – 59:38:59
17. broken bones – solidify – 59:40:59 – 62:41:56
18. high school high – bandanna – 62:43:56 – 65:34:35
19. Untitled – (don’t) shoot noah! 65:36:35 – 71:36:10

Total run time : 71:36:10 (RLR001)

burque luv volume five [left] (2003)

http://https://www.fearstudios.com/burqueluv/bl5.php (FSC0005-A)

burque luv volume four (2002)

A Sampler of Electronic Music (FSC0004-A)

burque luv volume three (2001)

albuquerque's synthetic, electronic & industrial music (FSC0003-A)

burque luv volume two (2001)

another chapter in local abrasion (FSC0002-A)

burque luv volume one (2000)

albuquerque's electronic and industrial (FSC0001-A)

subcon.01 (1999)

dark beats * techno (MR002)

one random efesar song


daeionatribe vhukki




a flock of sheep and the follies of man. swirly guitars, ambient synth, storytelling lyrics.


Tropez/CEP/House of Gibson II/1998

started in 1996 with some guitar licks leftover from a jam session, and completed in 1998 as a full fledged song.


written and composed by efesar. some guitar work performed by dan kolb.


people of ancient lands looked up to the sky
and maybe they saw the stars
or maybe they saw these hallowed eyes
share the hell... you claim to know
bring this beckoning to close
bring to heart... a candle of light
i want to know
i'm the one you've been searching for
i'm the only one
speak of no harm to my children

you are the chosen one
i'm here to take you home
you are the righteous one
i'm here to strike you down
you are the lonely one
i'm here to bring you love
you are the ancient one
i'm here to pass you on

deity diatribe
rules and laws and sets and faiths
driven like a jesus christ

aeon bygone
windy winding lullaby
binging on the jesus christ


© and (p) copyrights 1993-2002 by efesar